
Monday, September 30, 2013

31 Days of Being Me: intro

For a couple of years now, I've watched one of my favorite bloggers write for 31 days in a row in October. I found myself longing to join in, but never having the time, or I missed it altogether. This year, I'm going to join in.

The Nester created the 31 day writing challenge.  I'm looking forward to joining in and pushing to the end of 31 days with a breath of fresh air of creativity.

Without any further ado, 31 Days of Being Me.

day one: 31 Days of Being Me: day one
day two: who am i?
day three: standing in the waves
day four: playing piano
day five: Five Minute Friday: write
day six: My friend the uke
day seven:#31days blogs I'm reading
day eight: being me
day nine: Wacky Wednesday: random things, like TV
day ten: my normal
day eleven: Five Minute Friday:: Ordinary
day twelve: On sabbath
day thirteen:
day fourteen:
day fifteen:
day sixteen: FlyLady
day seventeen: Koffee?
day eighteen: Five Minute Friday :: laundry
day nineteen: Shabbat Shalom!
day twenty: Zoo Day
day twenty-one: Memories
day twenty-two: Spelling Words
day twenty-three: Inspired
day twenty-four:
day twenty-five: Five Minute Friday :: Together
day twenty-six: Shalom Y'all
day twenty-seven: When, not if
day twenty-eight: On Waiting
day twenty-nine: Not quite the day I intended
day thirty: Thinking about the day that went wrong
day thirty-one: I did it!

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