The Nester created the 31 day writing challenge. I'm looking forward to joining in and pushing to the end of 31 days with a breath of fresh air of creativity. To get my writing flowing, I'm writing 31 Days of Being Me.
So. Some of my favorite TV shows (in no particular order):
- Once Upon a Time
- Doctor Who (the one that started in 2005)
- Revoloution
- The Big Bang Theory
- How I Met your Mother
- Star Trek - all, mostly TNG, but also Voyager and DSN
- Star Gate
- Firefly
- Anything with Mandy Patankin in it, including, but not limited to Princess Bride, Criminal Minds, Dead like Me. I haven't seen Heartland yet, but once I heard he was in it, it's on my to-watch list.
- Under the Dome
- Sherlock
Ok. Yeah, that's a lot of TV. But it goes back years, too...
Reading stories and believing in what may not be seen has augmented my faith in an Almighty God. I see that there is and can be so much more in the world around me than what I can see. Believing in the God of the Bible is my story. It's the ultimate in alternative universes, and I live in the midst of it.
I'll still curl up with a good TV show or good book tonight, though. It's how I am.

day one: 31 Days of Being Me: day one
day two: who am i?
day three: standing in the waves
day four: playing piano
day five: Five Minute Friday: write
day six: My friend the uke
day seven:#31days blogs I'm reading
day eight: being me
day nine: Wacky Wednesday: random things, like TV
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