The Nester created the 31 day writing challenge. I'm looking forward to joining in and pushing to the end of 31 days with a breath of fresh air of creativity. To get my writing flowing, I'm writing 31 Days of Being Me.
Friday night brings the Shabbat. From sundown Friday night to sundown Saturday night, scripture asks us to give a day to God - to turn away from our own paths and turn to His. In college, I fell in love with the idea of a family honoring God every week at the dinner table. I thought that this would become the built-in time and place for my future family to talk about God.
Shabbat has truly become a rhythm in the life of my family. As we grow and develop as a family unit, our needs change, but the day of rest comes. Some weeks we are formal, some weeks we are informal.
With that, the table is ready. Shabbat shalom, friends!

day one: 31 Days of Being Me: day one
day two: who am i?
day three: standing in the waves
day four: playing piano
day five: Five Minute Friday: write
day six: My friend the uke
day seven:#31days blogs I'm reading
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