So as I thought about my day yesterday, and all the things that went wrong, I realized something. The things that stuck with me today were not the things that went wrong yesterday, but the things that went right.
I'm so thankful for all the little things that went well. Toilet paper in the house is a good thing. The yogurt I needed to get, I had previously found at Stop and Shop for $1.39. At Walmart, they were $1 apiece! At the farm, I bought some farm-fresh maple syrup. I had forgotten how incredibly delicious real maple syrup is! And dinner out at Denny's last night was a nice way to end a crazy day.
In life, we have choices to make. We can choose to wallow in the negative, or we can pick up on the positive and focus on that. When I decide to wallow, I get really crabby. When I decide to focus on the positive, my day gets better, and I can enjoy the little things in life.
Pick one thing that makes you happy in the midst of all the craziness. Hold on to that. Count your blessings, and see where that takes you!

day twenty-six: Shalom Y'all
day twenty-seven: When, not if
day twenty-eight: On Waiting
day twenty-nine: Not quite the day I intended
day thirty: Thinking about the day that went wrong
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