I'm not the hugest baseball fan, but my dear husband follows just about all things news and sports. Did you hear the one about James Taylor singing the national anthem to open Game 2 of the World Series? He made a mistake. He started singing America the Beautiful, but quickly recovered to what he was supposed to sing.
Because people, even professionals, make mistakes. Being a professional means that you make fewer mistakes than most, and you are able to recover from mistakes quicker than others. This video link calls James Taylor's performance a Epic fail. I think it's an epic recovery.
Its not a matter of if you make a mistake or not. Everyone makes mistakes. The question is, when you make a mistake, can you recover well and move on? This principle can be applied to just about every part of life: in parenting, in housekeeping, in your job, in your relationships. When you make a mistake, are you able to make it right?
I think James Taylor did a nice job getting back to what he was supposed to be doing. Don't you?

day twenty-four:
day twenty-five: Five Minute Friday :: Together
day twenty-six: Shalom Y'all
day twenty-seven: When, not if
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