
Friday, October 18, 2013

Five Minute Friday :: laundry

I'm linking up again to Lisa-Jo Baker's blog where she hosts a Five Minute Friday Party where she invites other bloggers to write freely for five minutes.  This week, the prompt is laundry.


The thing about laundry is that it never is completely done.  Neither are the dishes or cleaning the counters and the floors.  Are any projects completely done?  All we can hope for is to embrace the rhythm of the days.  I'm already influenced by Lisa-Jo's Five Minute response to laundry.  The ebb and flow of daily life is a rhythm we should be proud of, is a quick summary of her text.  And that is so true.

I guess the trick, then, is to find meaning and purposeful rhythm.  Laundry, chores, for that matter, when done haphazardly become haphazard.  The ebb and flow of life is haphazard.  But being routine oriented, taking the time to just do it is really important, and can make the days not haphazardly.  I woke up early for me this morning, and was downstairs at 6 am.  The laundry is already going, and by 6:30, the post will be posted.  Two things for my Friday already started, instead of me looking at the clock at 4 pm in the midst of homework and dinner preparation, and freaking out because the laundry needs to be done.

And STOP.  That was five.  Writing consistently this month, I'm noticing themes that creep through in posts during a week.  I talked about FlyLady this week, and doing things that make me tick.  Those things creep through in my Friday post.

Five Minute Friday

day one: 31 Days of Being Me: day one
day two: who am i?
day three: standing in the waves
day four: playing piano
day five: Five Minute Friday: write
day six: My friend the uke
day seven:#31days blogs I'm reading
day eight: being me
day nine: Wacky Wednesday: random things, like TV
day ten: my normal
day eleven: Five Minute Friday:: Ordinary
day twelve:
day thirteen:
day fourteen:
day fifteen:
day sixteen: FlyLady
day seventeen: Koffee?
day eighteen: Five Minute Friday:: laundry


  1. Stopping by from the Five Minute Friday blog hop. Enjoyed your post! I am very haphazard when it comes to chores and really want to be better about it. Hard to do with an 8 month old in the house. But maybe I just need to grab the bull by the horns and be more intentional and develop the routine and make it my own. At least on the days when I'm not working the night shift....

    1. Let me encourage you, Alicia. I don't know how working moms do it, especially with little ones who need soo much attention!! When my three were that little, more often than not, there were toys edged on the floor in the kitchen under the counter. I wasn't sure I'd ever see floor again! Five minutes helps, and not feeling guilty helps. Prioritize the important things. It's so much harder to make a routine that stays normal when your children are developing so quickly. As they age, you can work them into your routines, and that helps. Thanks for popping over!

  2. I feel so much better when I stick to a schedule too. And I love how you are analyzing your own writing for themes. That is awesome. You will learn so much.

  3. ---> "...find meaning and purposeful rhythm" First off, hats off working momma because this girl gives y'all a ton of credit. It's a balancing act day in and day out. and finding the purpose "serving my family" is what it means to me. Hugs my fmf friend.
