
Friday, April 25, 2014

Five Minute Friday:: Friends

I'm joining Lisa-Jo Baker for her Five Minute Friday.  Her rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. 3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.

The word today is friend. GO.
I watched a gaggle of third grade girls yesterday on a field trip to the aquarium yesterday. Their friendships are still built on simple things, like pouring over a book, or watching the world fly past on the bus ride. But yet, I can see how their friendships have evolved since pre=k. Their friendships are now based on more than just running around the playground. I see that they have built alliances based on trust and common interests. I see girls with fat books in their hands for the long bus ride clamor to ride next to each other. I see girls braiding hair with each other. It begins. Finding someone to share your passions and not get made fun of. Being yourself without letting tears betray how sensitive you are. Exploring the world and doing so with someone next to you that's safe to be yourself with.

I don't think that ever stops, does it? The way we feel in third grade about friends? I still want to make those friends. Perhaps the desperate need for it is less because I've gone through those challenges and learning experiences. Family surrounds me, by choice, and I choose to lean there, alongside my friends that support me like family.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate you reading, and I appreciate loving comments.

Five Minute Friday

Friday, April 18, 2014

Five Minute Friday :: glue

I'm joining Lisa-Jo Baker for her Five Minute Friday.  Her rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. 3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.

The word today is glue. GO.
What's that saying about mean words? They bounce off of me and stick to you like glue? I can't remember the saying, but it's the first thing that comes to mind as I see the word glue. It's amazing the things that stick with us forever. I mean, mommies kisses will stay. The usher from church when you are a baby still giving out candy stays. Little things stay, too. The things I remember from childhood can be incredible random. I'll have occasion to ask my mom about something, and she won't remember, because it was something that impressed me, not her.

I wonder what my children will remember. They're getting to the age I remember as a child. Fifth grade. I remember that year. Third grade, I remember it, but not quite as much. Kindergarten, I have vague impressionistic pictures of in my brain. And they're part of me, stuck like glue. What will my fifth-grader, third-grader and kindergartner remember from childhood? I hope they'll remember the kite-flying and museum-going we've done. I hope they remember that we adapt as we need to. I hope they remember to stick to each other like glue. Yeah. That.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate you reading, and I appreciate loving comments. Have a Happy Passover and Happy Resurrection celebration (aka Easter)!

Five Minute Friday

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Perfect (for us) Passover Seder

It seems to me that there is never a perfect Passover, no matter how hard you try. I wonder if God does that on purpose, then we can look for His grace. With my husband being out of town, we decided to have our Seder on Wednesday instead of a first night Seder on Monday. Well, my new curve-ball this week was my dear tired husband came down with a fever on the day we were doing our Seder.

We kept things super small. Looking at the Seder plate, I figured it looked an awful lot like a snacky dinner (crackers, cheese, fruit and veggies!), so that's what we did. We reclined in our recliners and sofa, and had a perfect for us Seder. This ended up being quite a lovely Seder!

How do you keep going despite the curve-balls thrown you? Happy Passover!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Path to Passover:: Passover!!!

Dear ones, sometimes life throws you curve balls. This Passover season I have a couple. And despite my good intentions, I'm not perfectly ready for Passover...and we're a couple of days in! But it is Passover, and Matzah is king! Have a great holiday!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Shabbat Thought :: Parasha Achrei Mot

Each week in the Synagogue, a different portion of scripture is studied.  The Torah (Old Testament) is broken into portions which are read over the course of a year.  At the end of the year, it starts over again so the Bible is read annually. 

This week's Parasha is Achrei Mot from Leviticus 16:1-18:30.

This week's parasha is a tough one. Once you get through a bunch of passages about blood, there is the touchy passage about sexual relations. There is one sentence (Lev. 18:22 - homosexuality) that is a hot topic these days. I'm tempted to ignore it, or just gloss over this week's portion, focus on something else. But this is what's coming out of me this morning.

First of all, the latter half (Lev. 18:1-23) of the Parasha is focused on sexuality. There is a list of "shall nots" from prohibiting sexual relationships among family, to not offering up your children to Molech, to same-sex relationships. 

Thus, having read this, I would have to determine that God told the Israelites that same-sex relationships are not okay. Actually, the word used is abomination. It's a hard thing to grapple with for me. I try really hard to align myself with God's Word. I understand that marriage was ideally intended for a man and a woman, joined together, they create a whole.

And then, though, there are people. People struggling to make it in the world. People struggling to love and be loved. People who find representations of God in people. And these same-sex people get married. Legally. There are people who I connect with on many levels, people who have children that love my children, there are people who believe that this sort of love works.

Even though I may not agree, I take a step back and wonder. How do we deal with each other in this? Love must conquer. We must lean on God and pray for understanding. So as for me, I struggle and believe that God tells us many seemingly contradictory things. The Bible tells us not to have same-sex sex. But the Bible tells us to love one another, too. 

How do I deal with this issue? I love the way Jen Hatmaker does. She keeps her beliefs close to her, and errs on the side of love. When I meet homosexual couples, I enjoy their company. I don't judge. I teach my children my beliefs and why. In my post on love for Valentine's Day, I wrote, 
I still am not sure I understand how to love people while believing that what they are doing is wrong, without compromising truth. But this passage encourages me, "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known." (1 Corinthians 13:12 TLV) I don't have to know! I know that love is the greatest. I need to follow the example Yeshua put before us, and love others. Meanwhile, I'll trust God for the rest.

I think we see these things dimly, and one day our God will explain it all to us, and we will understand. 

But now these three remain— faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.(1 Corinthians 13:13 TLV)

Shabbat Shalom dear ones! May you be blessed abundantly with God's peace!

Five Minute Friday :: paint

I'm joining Lisa-Jo Baker for her Five Minute Friday.  Her rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. 3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.

The word today is paint. GO.
Five minute writing always makes me word associate. Paint makes me think of painting a rainbow, which makes me think of reading rainbow. But rainbow isn't the word. Paint is.

I was given a great deal of freedom when I read a blog, and this mother didn't let her children paint all the time. Painting can be messy, and in need of a great deal of preparation. And it was okay for me not to always let my kids paint.

But I need to digress again. Painting walls is different. I have this love/hate relationship with painting. I can do it, and make it look good, but there's so much preparation and messiness that goes along with it. It also takes up a good portion of the day to paint a room. I seem to get stuck half-way through painting projects, with a half-painted wall somewhere. And then, the wall stays that way for years due to my lack of momentum.

I'd rather paint a picture with music or words than get out the messy stuff that changes color.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate you reading, and I appreciate loving comments.

Five Minute Friday

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Path to Passover :: Interview with Miri

Welcome to my second interview in my Passover series! Today's interview is with Miri from (check it out!). I've never met her in person, but I have followed her blog for a while. I love the projects she displays. It makes me wish sometimes that I lived in LA to see in person some of the beautiful things she makes. Enjoy the interview!

Please introduce yourself, including the Congregation you attend as well as the role(s) you play. No role is too small :)
My name is Miri, and my blog is I attend Ruach LA. Because I was married only last June, my husband and I have taken a much needed break from any kind of leadership or service position, and we are really enjoying just being attendees.

How would you describe your level of Jewish observance? 
My Jewish observance is really what I can handle without pulling my hair out. I used to be very Conservadox, especially when it came to abstaining from certain things on Shabbat. This last year when I got married, I did everything myself: The bridesmaids dresses, the decor, the food, the cakes. I basically killed myself slowly for 6 months, then after the wedding work became very demanding, and I was pulling down at least 60 hours a week. Shabbat became more of a break from the trauma. Throughout all this, I've always kept a kosher kitchen with separate dishes and hechsher-only foods. Now that my husband and I are working for ourselves, we are working to get back to a better Shabbat observance.

How long have you been celebrating Passover? Did you grow up celebrating it?
I did not grow up celebrating Passover as my parents became Christians when I was young. We also lived in a very remote place. A couple years ago I was at my mom's local grocery store looking for Matzah Meal and it was no no where to be found. The Messianic Movement introduced me to seders, and you can imagine for a while that looked like big congregational seders. When I became a little older, I started existing in both Messianic and non-Messianic communities, so I've been invited to many a home seder on both sides. I've actually never hosted an actual seder at my house.

What do you do to get ready for Passover? Please give me a brief description of your preparations. When do you start? How do you plan?
About 3 weeks before Passover I begin baking like a mad woman. This year we got a Costco membership, and bought the big bag of flour. I made a ton of bread and desserts, and most of them were distributed. I usually go overboard, as I did this year, and all that flour is almost gone. Once I've gone through eating the chametz, I go through all my cabinets in the kitchen, take everything out, toss anything containing the five grains, separate any kitniyot, wash all the dishes, deep clean the oven, refrigerator, stove and the inside of all the cabinets. Cover all the counter tops with tin foil, replace my cooking dishes with Passover dishes, replace plates and utensils is disposables and we're ready to go!

What do you and don't you eat during Passover? Do you follow a particular tradition?
I follow and Ashkenazi observance regarding Passover restrictions when it comes to food (I don't worry about toothpaste or shampoos). And, admittedly, sometimes in the middle of the Passover week I'll decide I'm actually Sephardic.

Describe your seder. What is your favorite part?
As I mentioned previously, I've never hosted a seder, but I do usually host something called Slumdog Pesach. It's a completely kosher for Passover Indian Buffet dinner party on the Saturday during Passover (as long as it's not the 1st or 2nd day). 

Do you have tips on getting through eight days without bread?
Quinoa, merengue, potatos, potato starch, tapioca flour. Or just decide you're Sephardic and there are plenty of options.

If someone were to come up to you never having kept Passover before, what advice would you give?
Take it slow. Don't plan a seder yourself, go to someone else's house. Give everything a deep a thorough cleaning, and get rid of the five grains. Don't worry about hechshers or corn and all that. As with anything done well, take you time and add restrictions each year.

How does Passover fit in your spiritual journey?
Cleaning the house is a very cathartic experience for me. In fact, one year I had just moved to a new place before Passover, and volunteered to clean someone else's house so I could exercise that discipline. Preparing for freedom requires a lot of work, self-examination. Cleaning does that for me.

Thanks for dropping by! If you enjoyed this post, please share it with someone you know!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Five Minute Friday :: Writer

I'm joining Lisa-Jo Baker for her Five Minute Friday.  Her rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. 3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.

The word today is writer. GO.
Part of being a writer is to believe. I can write, I know that I do. I know that I am skilled at writing well-constructed, reasonably grammatically-correct sentences. I've been trained in such things. Give me a topic, and I can likely write something up for you. But to do real writing, to be a real writer, what does that mean? I feel like I'm pretending sometimes. 

I talk about writing, I write a little, and I wonder why I bother. I did this week. Then, I read about five posts that had similar messages: write your story. That was all in one day, mind you...and the day after that. 

To write sometimes feels different than being a "writer". Such a word holds connotations like "important" and "artist," someone who knows what she is doing. I went to the Yale Art Gallery yesterday, and looked at Van Gogh's painting, The Night Cafe. Did you know that the table in the center of the painting isn't square? I mean, it's not a great table if you were going to use it as a blueprint to build one. And yet, his art is famous and beautiful!

I suspect being a writer is a little like that.


Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, will you check out my Shabbat Devotional and my Passover series? I appreciate you reading, and I appreciate loving comments.

Five Minute Friday

Shabbat Thought :: Parasha Metzora

Each week in the Synagogue, a different portion of scripture is studied.  The Torah (Old Testament) is broken into portions which are read over the course of a year.  At the end of the year, it starts over again so the Bible is read annually. In the midst of Passover craziness, Shabbat is consistent.

This week's Parasha is Metzora from Leviticus 14:1 - 15:33.

Have you ever taught a child how to use the bathroom? Once you've gotten to a certain age, your rituals are pretty well set that you probably don't even notice they exist. But when you potty train, it's all brand new! If you tell a three or four year old, "go to the bathroom", there's a good chance that he or she will miss part of the ritual. At this stage of life, you have to spell it out: 
1. Pull down your pants. 
2. Use the toilet. 
3. Take toilet paper. Mold into a shape. 
4. Wipe. 
5. Pull up your pants. 
6. Flush. 
7. Wash and dry your hands. 
8. Turn off the lights and leave the door open.
Every. Single. Time. When you forget to remind them, inevitably, they miss something. Now. My children are a little older and the routine is coming together quite nicely. But I still have to remind my kids of part of the routine. "Did you wash your hands? Turn off the lights?"

That's how I feel when I read today's Parasha. It feels like more in the list of rules. I suppose it really is. Last week the priests were told how to identify skin disease. This week, they're told how to handle cleansing. ::yawn:: We don't live in that world, and we don't really have leprosy to deal with. It's hard to find a connection.

Can you imagine, though, having to deal with such things without directions? It's like me telling a two-year old to use the bathroom. Can you imagine the mess? (I can. I've cleaned that sort of thing up before, you?) So even though I can't really connect to this Parasha, I see the point. Once again, I'm thankful for how much God cared to show His people Israel His way to do things.

Did you get a chance to read how Michelle Schiffman prepares for Passover? Check it out here. Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Path to Passover :: Interview with Michelle Schiffman

This is my first interview in what I hope will be a short series to see how some women across the Messianic Jewish movement prepare for Passover. I first met Rebbetzen Michelle Schiffman when my daughter was still nursing. It must have been nigh on 6 or 7 years ago! (It's amazing how time flies when you compare years to a child's growth.) I learned quite a bit from what she has to say, and I am encouraged by her words. I hope you'll be encouraged as well.


Please introduce yourself, including the Congregation you attend as well as the role(s) you play. No role is too small :)
My name is Rebbetzen Michelle Schiffman. My husband and I are part of the rabbinic staff at Aydat Ha Derekh messianic synagogue in Fort Myers, Fla.  I focus on meeting  visitors and answering their questions. I also keep track of the schedule for the Talmud class we are currently holding  at the shul, and the Chavurah my husband and I host at our house once a month

How would you describe your level of Jewish observance? 
I consider myself Conservadox in general. I keep a kosher home but come from a Conservative Jewish background so I live my life with that perspective.

How long have you been celebrating Passover? Did you grow up celebrating it?
Even though my mom was Jewish I did not observe Passover until about 20 years ago. I remember going to seders but not cleaning the house of chametz, no.

What do you do to get ready for Passover? Please give me a brief description of your preparations. When do you start? How do you plan?
I start getting ready for Passover about two weeks ahead by changing my shopping list. I find that if I begin to leave items like bread, pasta, rice, etc., off the list it helps me when it comes to cleaning the house, and I also begin to plan what I will be buying for the holidays. We live in a one-story house with a tile floor so a basic mopping and vacuuming takes care of most cleaning on that end.  Our oven is a self-cleaning one so we clean it about a day before the holiday begins. Our toaster oven is covered and put aside in another area. When it comes to the non-Passover food , we do one of three things; give it to a friend in need, donate it to a local food bank, or put it in a separate part of the closet or our second freezer.  All of our dishes, pots, etc., are dishwasher safe so we clean them accordingly.

What do you and don't you eat during Passover? Do you follow a particular tradition?
Our tradition is to follow the Ashkenazi guidelines; no beans, no rice, no pasta, and no corn. We eat more fruit, vegetable, meat, and if we want to bake anything we use matza meal, or farfel.

Describe your seder. What is your favorite part?
We have a very relaxed seder with family and some close friends.  We use the Artscroll Family Haggadah, and everyone does the four questions together. One of the things that makes our seder special is that everyone brings something for dinner. It helps keep the atmosphere relaxed and makes everyone feel included. My favorite part of the evening is when we open the door for Elijah. It reminds me that we are always to keep our door open for guests.

Do you have tips on getting through eight days without bread?
I plan ahead as much as I can. There are certain things that are automatically part of our Passover. For example; matza pizza, matza lasagna, extra amounts of charoset. and we do buy kosher for Passover chicken wings. Many things that are available in the store are kosher for Passover. All it takes is looking. Also, there are tons of recipes online for Passover, including ones for vegans, gluten-free etc.

If someone were to come up to you never having kept Passover before, what advice would you give?
For those who have never kept Passover I suggest keeping things simple. Take out the obvious items; bread, yeast, baking soda, the typical types of flour, or flour based items. Cereal is out because it always has some flour product in it. Avoid spending money on kosher for Passover ketchup, coke, or cereal. It is much easier and less expensive to just take them out of the diet for a week. More fresh fruit, vegetables, and non-breaded meat fit in well with the holiday diet. Don't overdo it. Make friends with someone who has observed Passover before and get some tips from them. Go to a seder. Fellowship, enjoy and ask questions. Above all enjoy the holiday!

How does Passover fit in your spiritual journey?
For me Passover reminds me that G-d is always with me no matter what is going on. It is also a time when I take a look at myself and my relationship with others. It is very easy to get busy doing  ‘everything right” for the holiday and not see the needs of those around us. Here is the thing, what good does it do if our house is perfect but we have ignored those around us? Maybe there are new people who are going to be alone during this time, or don't have money for food, etc.  Caring for others should always come before anything else.  It’s a great time for removing the things that draw us aside from G-d and replacing them with ‘new growth”. Kind of a spiritual spring planting.

Thanks for dropping by! If you enjoyed this post, please share it with someone you know!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Path to Passover :: Doing it all

Today I pulled out my notebook of Passovers past. I've been sticking my to-do lists in this binder since about 2005. As I page through, I see my journey as I have learned how to get my home ready for Passover.

One of the things that I learned a few years ago not to go overboard. It stressed me out trying to spring clean my house. I finally found a teaching that said you don't have to clean the entire house, just the areas food generally goes. I breathed a huge sigh of relief after that. I don't have to clean the whole house, just mostly the kitchen. I can do that. I started small. Now, if it works for you to deep clean the entire house, go for it, I am amazed and awed by those who do.

But I cannot do it all. So I tackle some, and I do what I can do. As hard as I try, there is still a crumb somewhere. I'm pretty sure I won't ever be able to do a perfect job of cleaning. That is where grace steps in. And I'm really thankful for that!