
Friday, April 25, 2014

Five Minute Friday:: Friends

I'm joining Lisa-Jo Baker for her Five Minute Friday.  Her rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. 3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.

The word today is friend. GO.
I watched a gaggle of third grade girls yesterday on a field trip to the aquarium yesterday. Their friendships are still built on simple things, like pouring over a book, or watching the world fly past on the bus ride. But yet, I can see how their friendships have evolved since pre=k. Their friendships are now based on more than just running around the playground. I see that they have built alliances based on trust and common interests. I see girls with fat books in their hands for the long bus ride clamor to ride next to each other. I see girls braiding hair with each other. It begins. Finding someone to share your passions and not get made fun of. Being yourself without letting tears betray how sensitive you are. Exploring the world and doing so with someone next to you that's safe to be yourself with.

I don't think that ever stops, does it? The way we feel in third grade about friends? I still want to make those friends. Perhaps the desperate need for it is less because I've gone through those challenges and learning experiences. Family surrounds me, by choice, and I choose to lean there, alongside my friends that support me like family.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate you reading, and I appreciate loving comments.

Five Minute Friday


  1. "Exploring the world and doing so with someone next to you that's safe to be yourself with."

    You are right! Whether it's third grade, third trimester, third whatever ... we long for someone to be a witness and a confidant in our experiences! Lord, let me be that someone to those You have place in my life!

    Thanks you for this, Dorothy! Your friend from FMF

  2. In the spirit of FMF, I left my bad grammar, since I loved the sentence. I'm glad it blessed you despite it's flaws! It's so vital to feel safe. That's one reason I love the FMF. It's safe, too.

  3. Childhood friends are so special and amazing when they are life-long. Thanks so much for the picture of that that you gave. Stopping by from FMF, Patti

  4. Stopping from FMF to read what was on your heart about "Friend." Friendship does get complicated the older you get, but thankful that we were meant for community, so "friend" is always worth pursing. Thanks for sharing!
