
Monday, October 21, 2013


The Nester created the 31 day writing challenge.  I'm looking forward to joining in and pushing to the end of 31 days with a breath of fresh air of creativity. To get my writing flowing, I'm writing 31 Days of Being Me.

When you have a baby, the first few years are hectic. Then, another child comes along, and maybe a third.  If you're like me some things have taken precedent over others, such as having clean clothes, and food for meals.  After that, you can't deal with it.  I couldn't.  Not with a child with medical needs, a precocious middle child, and a little one who doesn't stay still.  So some things, like school papers and memories, were put in piles.  The piles were put into boxes, and the boxes sent to the attic.  Toys they no longer needed, but the baby might grow into were sent here, alongside CDs and cassettes.

This year, in my second year of kids at school, I am finally tackling the attic.  I'm being ruthless in what goes into the trash, but saving things to pass on.

One struggle I realized recently I have is that I keep things I've written, and things the kids have made, for far too long. I was wondering why I have trouble getting rid of things is that I don't want to get rid of things that tell my story.

My job now is to find a way to tell this story in a way that saves space and in a way that the story can be heard.  How do I preserve my memories (easily, mind you) and thereby clean the attic?

day sixteen: FlyLady
day seventeen: Koffee?
day eighteen: Five Minute Friday :: laundry
day nineteen: Shabbat Shalom!
day twenty: Zoo Day
day twenty-one: Memories

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