Friday, April 3, 2015

And Now To Recline

In all this preparation for Passover, it is easy to get busy. I get rather bogged down cleaning the house to get rid of the chametz. It is chaotic trying to figure out what needs to be stored and what cannot be eaten. Then there is the effort it takes to host a meal for family and friends. If you are like me, a social introvert, it may not be the easiest thing to accomplish. So the last few days before Passover are full of things to do. It’s a very Martha way of being.

Do you remember the story of Mary to be with Him. Martha snaps at her sister (are we told if she is the older? She acts older.) Mary should be helping with all the work. But Yeshua says that Mary has chosen what is important.
and Martha in the Bible? In Luke 10:38-42, sisters Mary and Martha are hosting Yeshua in their home. Martha is in hustle mode – everything must be perfect for this amazing teacher. Mary, on the other hand, sits at His feet to learn from Him and just

It reminds me also of things I’ve heard online recently to not be doing for your children when you are with them, but to truly be with them. Martha was doing for Yeshua; Mary was being with Him.

I have just about always related to Mary. The work can wait. The important part is learning and spending time with Yeshua at His feet.

And then there is Passover. The process of getting ready for Passover consists of a lot of work, trying to get the house “just right”. The thing is, though, no matter how hard you try, no matter which set of rules you follow, you will always fall short. In my own power – in your own power- there will always be something forgotten. There will be a cabinet that is not perfect, or a bag of goldfish you didn’t notice in the car. Something. And that’s the key. The physical prepartion for Passover is useful in just that – it shows us how much we are in need of God’s grace and mercy.

The redemption that happened so many thousands of years ago is timeless. When we finally let out a breath and sit at dinner, we must allow the story to wash over us. God heard the cry of His people. God still hears the cry of His people, down to the groans we cannot articulate.

So Martha, dearest, whatever your name is, sit down and recline at the table next to your sister Mary. Let the story of redemption pierce your soul. The message is for us all. It is not just those who were redeemed way back when, it as if we all crossed the Red Sea and were redeemed. We have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb!

Chag Sameach, dear ones!

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