1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. 3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.
The word today is Visit. GO.
When Daniel was born, he spent 5 weeks in NBSCU (Newborn Special Care Unit). He'd had surgery the day he was born, and needed to stay until it was safe for him to come home. That wasn't the birth plan I wrote for my first child. It was different.
I visited my first child in the hospital for 5 weeks. It was an odd time. I had a baby come out of me. I stayed in the hospital after a c-section for the right number of days. Then, I went home. But he didn't. When I was home without him, I looked at the nursery, and the bassinet ready for him. At home, it was as if I were still pregnant, but yet, the baby wasn't with me. I spent as much time as I could at the hospital. I told myself that he lived at the hospital. But how else is a mama to wrap her brain around the fact she can't bring home her baby?
Ten years ago I visited my first child in the hospital every day in December. Except the one day it snowed a good bit and we couldn't get out of the house.
and STOP.
What I love about free writing and word prompts is that you don't know what's going to come out when you start with a word. I didn't expect to write about Daniel. I've never written about him before - it's always been to close, too hard. Today, it just came out.
On a different note, I'm very excited this week that I've had an article published in the Messianic Times!
Thanks for dropping by!

I am glad you wrote about Daniel! I know it's got to be hard to rehash those first few weeks and the pain and struggle that accompanied them, but it is part of the story God is writing in you, part of who you are! May you continue to share it! I know there are many women who can relate so well to that struggle - including some of my dear friends. I am so glad God uses our experiences, whatever they may be! Sharon (stopping by from 5MF)
ReplyDeleteI had wanted to write about my experiences way back then, but I couldn't. I was so enmeshed with living the story that I couldn't write it. In the Inkheart series, Meggie says that sometimes you can't read because your own story is so strong. I think that's what happened with my story.