
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

When You Rise Up

My Early Morning Dilemma

One of my favorite things about being a mother is the early-morning snuggle time. I love laying in bed as my children all tumble on me. We kiss, hug, and tickle. In my opinion, there is no better way to start the day! The trouble I found as my children grew is how to incorporate a morning time to connect with God. After snuggle time ended, we transitioned into getting dressed and breakfast. The morning is over before you know it. But getting up early, before the children at that point in my life was impractical. I was often up with them in the night and needed to sleep. How then, could I find a quiet time?

The idea came to me as I was laying in bed, children cuddled in close. I whispered the Modeh Ani to God. It occurred to me that the morning blessing can be prayed as I proceed though the course of my morning.

Join me at the Messianic Times for the rest of the article!

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