
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Path to Passover :: Pantry Challenge

One of my favorite blogs is Life as Mom. She helps me understand ways to successfully manage a kitchen with many kids. She has more kids than I do! I love her pantry challenges. See how much you can eat out of  your pantry without buying much new foods. Every time she runs one, I think, "Wow, if only that challenge happened the month before Passover, now THAT would be something for my kitchen!"

So that's what I'm doing. This week for me, I start to think about what needs to be done to eliminate chametz (foods with leaven in them) from my kitchen. Sounds perfect for a pantry challenge.

The scripture says, "Seven days there shall be no leaven found in your houses; for whoever eats what is leavened, that person shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is an alien or a native of the land. You shall not eat anything leavened; in all your dwellings you shall eat unleavened bread.’” (Ex. 12:19-20)

This week I'm going to go through my pantry and make plans for the bread, flour, grains, pasta, etc that's in there. I'll also clean out the freezer and fridge and use up things in there, too.

What's in your pantry?

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