
Friday, October 4, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Write

I'm linking up again to Lisa-Jo Baker's blog where she hosts a Five Minute Friday Party where she invites other bloggers to write freely for five minutes.  This week, the prompt is write.

Write.  Go ahead, write.  What do I care what others think?  But when I write for others' eyes, I do care, I want to please.  I want to know that what I write matters, that what I say is important or different.  I write to write, to tell a story.
But I write to craft, and crafting takes time and thought.  I don't wnat to disappoint.  I don't want to write the wrong thing.  Is not writing worse?  Not writing because of the fear is worse.  Not writing is fine if you are not drawn to write.  Not writing is fine if you are drawn to run.  I am not drawn to be a runner.  A musician, yes, but not a runner.  Not writing because my hands are full of guitar or piano or ukulele or children or flour or laundry or any other thing that i do for love is fine.  But to avoid due to fear.  Not so much.

At the beach on Wednesday.  A "just do it" day.
That was five minutes.  This post fits right into the 31 days of being me series just as much as it fits into the Five Minute Friday party!  One #31day blogger I found is exploring 31 days of Don't Think Just Do.  This is how I feel about my writing just now.  I need to not over think this, I need to just do it.

Five Minute Friday


  1. Hi Dorothy. I am stopping by from FMF! Great posting. It is a tough balance to write about what inspires us and yet want some validation or positive comments back.
    It is good to write as we can. Look forward to other posts. Patti

  2. Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate the positive comment and encouragement. I love that Lisa-Jo encourages us to encourage each other. It's the best rule!
